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Don't Trash Mission Beach (DTMB)  
NOTICE: This release form is a contract with legal consequence and applies to all Don't Trash Mission Beach (DTMB) events. 
Read carefully before signing.

Acknowledgement of Risks: I acknowledge risks associated with the cleanup include, but are not restricted to: contact with sharp, contaminated objects; exposure to insects or animals; heat or sun related injuries or illness, including sunburn, sunstroke, or dehydration.

Express Assumption of Risks and Responsibility: I assume responsibility for all the risks associated with the cleanup event. My participation in the activity is purely voluntary. I assume full responsibility for myself and of any of my minor children for whom I am responsible, for any bodily injuries, accident, illness, paralysis, death, loss of personal property and expenses thereof, as a result of any accident which may occur.

Loss of Volunteer Personal Property: I hereby release Don't Trash Mission Beach (DTMB). and/or the City in which this cleanup takes place from liability for any loss or damage of personal property while participating in the cleanup event.

Group Volunteer Sign-in: groups performing trash/litter cleanup are advised that sharp objects (broken glass, needles, etc.) may be present on the beach or in the park. These items require special handling. To preclude possible exposure to blood borne pathogens or other hazardous material, volunteers should not make any effort to pick them up. Volunteers should also be aware of the possibility of over–exposure to the sun and the possibility of heat stress. Volunteers should wear hats, gloves, and sturdy shoes. It is requested that volunteers not wear sandals, thongs, or go barefoot. By signing below, volunteers agree to hold harmless Don't Trash Mission Beach (DTMB). and the City of which this cleanup takes place, for any injury or loss that may occur during the cleanup.

Release: I hereby release Don't Trash Mission Beach (DTMB)., Mission Beach Town Council, Belmont Park, and the City in which this cleanup takes place, FROM ANY AND ALL LIABILITY OF ANY NATURE FOR ANY AND ALL INJURY OR DAMAGE, as a result of my participation in the cleanup.

Photos: I hereby grant Don't Trash Mission Beach (DTMB),Mission Beach Town Council, Belmont Park and their legal representatives the absolute right and permission to copyright, use and publish images in which I may be included in whole or in part, or composite or distorted in character form, for use in published materials, illustration, promotion, art, advertising, trade, web sites and any other purpose in order to promote Don't Trash Mission Beach (DTMB), Mission Beach Town Council, and Belmont Park programs. I hereby waive any right that I may have to inspect or approve the finished product. I have read this Assumption and Acknowledgement of Risks and Release of Liability Agreement. I understand that by signing this document, I am waiving valuable legal rights including any and all right I may have against Don't Trash Mission Beach (DTMB), Mission Beach Town Council, and Belmont Park, including the above named organizations and the City in which the cleanup takes place, or their employees and agents.



By entering your name on this form you agree to the terms of our General Waiver.

DTMB 2022 Temp Logo.png

Every Street | Mission Beach -San Diego, CA  92109 | info | @donttrashmissionbeach

© 2020 by the Felice Agency

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