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  • Writer's pictureTony Felice

Hewlett Packard; Taking the Gloom Out of June! THe Month of June Beach Cleanup Numbers

The month of June not only brought more gloom, but it also brought over 17,000 pieces of beach trash to South Mission Beach. Keep in mind this represents ONLY the categorized items that one of our volunteers records nearly every day as she picks up trash and other miscellaneous items from the Jetty north to Belmont Park. Our other neighborhood volunteers pick up an average total of 40 lbs of trash each on a daily basis.

Hewlett Packard helped break the summer gloom by inviting Don't Trash Mission Beach to host a beach cleanup for their amazing team of volunteers from their local office here in San Diego. Their happy, positive attitudes manifested a beautiful sunny day that made for a fun morning of teamwork.

Protecting our planet is a priority for Hewlett-Packard. They picked up an astounding 1105 lbs of trash in just 2 hours! This is our second year hosting this event with HP, and we look forward to getting together with them next year. Their generous donation to our efforts allowed us to purchase more equipment to accommodate a larger group of volunteers. Thank you, Hewlett-Packard!

Here is a breakdown of what one volunteer picked up off one mile of South Mission Beach through the month of June.


We are looking for individuals and families to Adopt a Court. What does that mean? Well, for now, it simply means that you agree to patrol your street and your alley behind you as often as you can to clear trash, take photos of violations, keep a record of what you pick up, and be on the lookout for ways we can help.

Interested in helping out? Click here.

You can follow, like, and view images on our Instagram and Facebook pages.

Here is a look at all the numbers.


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