Imagine tourists visiting the sunny shores of Mission Beach, expecting to find pristine sands and tranquil waves, only to be met with the disheartening sight of litter strewn across the landscape. The charm of the beach is marred by discarded bottles, tangled earbuds, and remnants of illegal fires, turning what should be a serene escape into a stark reminder of environmental neglect. This unexpected encounter with pollution not only detracts from the natural beauty but also dampens the overall experience, leaving visitors concerned and dismayed by the impact of human activity on such a beloved destination.
In the month of May, one person picked up over 14,000 pieces of trash from a one-mile stretch of Mission Beach. This impressive effort included participation in several beach cleanups, one of which was organized by the San Diego Chapter of the Restaurant Association, resulting in the collection of 49 pounds of trash.
Cleanup Summary:
Days of Cleaning: 27
Total Items Collected: 14,048
Illegal Fires Extinguished: 18
Laundromat Trips: 5
Notable Finds:
Backpacks: 1
Earbuds: 2 sets
Chargers: 6
Reusable Bottles: 16
Coolers: 1
Unopened Liquor Bottles: 13
Jetty Jumps (People locked in jetty): 9
Additionally, students moved out over Memorial Day weekend. From what was pitched out, we were able to rescue textiles and reusable items for donation. Here is a brief list of their salvaged items:
Blankets: 19
Clothing: 119 items
Hats: 6
Pillows: 8
Shower Curtains: 2
Tablecloths: 2
Towels: 114
Totes: 6
Miscellaneous: 6 items